Tired and under constant stress? Seminar with Prof. Dr rer. nat. S. Hockertz
So many people feel tired, drained and stressed these days! Do you feel the same? Then we can warmly recommend the interesting seminar with Prof Dr rer. nat. Stefan Hockertz. The speaker will introduce you to the still young science called psychoneuroimmunology (PNI), which deals with the close connections between the psyche, nervous and immune systems. He also explains the basics of cell metabolism and energy production in the cells and talks about innovative and holistic solutions to the widespread illness of fatigue and stress.
The seminar is organised by FIMS (Förderung Integrative Medizin Schweiz), www.fims-medizin.ch. It will be scientifically orientated, but generally understandable. The seminar will also be interactive and take into account the questions and interests of the participants.
More information:
Tired and under constant stress? More energy and resilience thanks to PNI, cell energy and the Hockertz protocol Scientific principles and orthomolecular therapy
When and where:
Friday, 5 April 2024 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Zurich at the Zurich Volkshaus, Weisser Saal, Stauffacherstrasse 60, 8004 Zurich
9.30 hrs: Door opening and welcome coffee
The speaker:
Prof Dr rer. nat. Stefan Hockertz is a leading immunologist and toxicologist. For 30 years he has been working on the interrelationships between molecular and cell biology, pharmacology, toxicology and the effects on the immune system. One area of his scientific work is psychoneuroimmunology. As Professor of Molecular Immunotoxicology, he taught at the University of Hamburg and is now Managing Director of tpi consult AG in Baar.
Cost: CHF 120
Click here for more information on the seminar and registration